Human Basics
Life Expectancy
Special Abilities
Random Past Card ability
Elemental Bias
Royal Titles
SURNAME [taken surname]
King, Queen
Alternate Names
Dvergr: Manlíkon
Bakru: Ish
He, She, They
Known For:
Known for their warring tendencies, short sightedness, adaptation, and a strange kind of endless curiosity.
As diverse as they come; varying in skin tone, hair and eye colouration. Mostly round ears.
Minimum Makeup Requirement:
Below is a description of what is expected when representing certain variations of the Human. The minimum requirement would be [Clothing, preferably garb-like clothing.]
• Tanah- Hot/Wet - A tropical rainforest climate is typically hot, very humid, and wet.
• Influenced by Bakru
• blah
• Lurra- Hot/Dry - a climate in which there is an excess of evaporation over precipitation. The typically bald, rocky, or sandy surfaces in desert climates hold little moisture and evaporate the little rainfall they receive.
• Influenced by Serapis
• Nomadic
• Zemlya- Temperate/Wet - characterized by dry summers and mild, wet winters. The climate receives its name from the Mediterranean Basin, where this climate type is most common. Mediterranean climate zones are typically located along the western sides of continents, between roughly 30 and 45 degrees north and south of the equator. The main cause of Mediterranean, or dry summer climate, is the subtropical ridge which extends northwards during the summer and migrates south during the winter due to increasing north-south temperature differences.
• Influenced by Uerco
• blah
• Allpa- Temperate/Dry - The oceanic climates are created by the onshore flow from the cool high latitude oceans to their west. This causes the climate to have cool summers and cool (but not cold) winters, and relative humidity and precipitation evenly distributed along the year. These climates are frequently cloudy, and are fairly milder both in winter and summer in comparison to other temperate climates. Annual rainfall is spread throughout the entire year. Regions with this climate include Northwestern Europe, Northwestern North America, southeastern and southwestern South America, southeastern Australia and most of New Zealand.
• Influenced by Apaec
• blah
• Tìr- Cold/Wet - typified by four distinct seasons and large seasonal temperature differences, with warm to hot (and often humid) summers and cold (sometimes severely cold in the northern areas) winters.
• Influenced by Alfar
• blah
• Jord- Cold/Dry - One simple definition is the climate which causes trees to fail to grow due to cold.
• Influenced by Dvergr
• blah
Common Culture
Solitary or Groups / Nomadic or Sedentary:
Typical Dwellings:
Heraldry/Personal Marks:
Nobility Symbols:
Most Common Clans in the Area:
Common Professions:
Cultural Taboos:
Exterior Cultural Influences:
Origin Folklore/ Major Historical Events
Humans have only been in known existance
Important Figures: Names, what they did
Real World Equivilence
The 'culture'/'variation' types are based greatly on environment and not necessarily any one area or culture of the world, with attempts to mix in ancient or folkloric civilizations that had those environments.