Life Expectancy
Special Abilities
Lores at cheaper prices
(as a sign of the 'carried over' knowledges.) Elemental Bias Temporal Pronunciation LA-airs. (singular: Lar [La-R])
(as a sign of the 'carried over' knowledges.) Elemental Bias Temporal Pronunciation LA-airs. (singular: Lar [La-R])
Royal Titles
SURNAME [taken surname]
TITLE Alternate Names Human: Statues/Reborn
Bakru: Pagiv-Ghosts
Alfar/Dvergr: Tyskoma [twice arrived] Pronouns word
TITLE Alternate Names Human: Statues/Reborn
Bakru: Pagiv-Ghosts
Alfar/Dvergr: Tyskoma [twice arrived] Pronouns word
Known For:
- Each Lar has another Lar they are connected to. Sometimes they are birthed within the same family, sometimes they find themselves drawn to one another from opposite sides of the world.
The only species that does not have visually distinguishable subdivisions within it, the Lares are a unique people. They have varying levels of Bronze/Gold accents that overtake their skin, almost as if glowing through the thin layers of human. Some of the darker-skinned Lares are so utterly striking in appearance that they rival that of the Alfar.
Below is a description of what is expected when representing certain variations of the Lares. The minimum requirement would be INFO.
- Common,
Group Names:
- Currently there are two settlements- called Getherings - within a week's travel (horseback) that have become Lar communities: Vash'takar (in the south) and Argen Basho (west)
Common Professions:
- Town guard, Rangers, Scouts, Alchemists, Oracles, Scholars.
As Lares are born from normal humans, originally, they have developed a custom of going to human towns and cities to gather any Lares that may have been born and give them special items that will lead only them to their tutors and the Lares towns when they wish.
- *Karma. They are inherently on a karmic scale.
*(The cycle of rebirth is determined by karma, literally "action". In the Buddhist tradition, karma refers to actions driven by intention (cetanā), a deed done deliberately through body, speech or mind, which leads to future consequence.)
- Sometimes Humans are cruel or unable to properly care for the special child and leave a newborn Lar at a house at the edge of the Lares town for them to 'live with their own'. These homes are known to the common populations as 'Inceptums.'
• August 1st |
Honey cakes, honeycombs
• Feb. 21st | Feralia - Ancestor Spirit festival.
An arrangement of wreaths is set up outside of households in remembrance of the dead. Flower petals and a bit of salt are sprinkled across doorways and beneath windows. Bread soaked in wine is set out as offerings to the ancestors. If offerings are not set out or the flowers and salt spread, undead will raise from their graves and attack the households.
The Lares first amongst the Truscan populace.
Important Figures: Names, what they did