it is our blood that senses beyond."
Life Expectancy
Special Abilities
Charm Resist
Elemental Bias
Royal Titles
n/a [taken surname]
n/a Alternate Names Human: Fae-blooded
Bakru: Pronouns word
n/a Alternate Names Human: Fae-blooded
Bakru: Pronouns word
Known For:
- A first generation Siofra is commonly unknown in their family until they start showing their Sidhe traits in their 20th year.
Each type of Siofra have slightly pointed ears as well as a trait depending on their type. Whether it is one of their parents, grandparents or great grandparents determines the extent of the traits. What can be said is that no Siofra have the wings that are so common in descriptions of Fae.
Below is a description of what is expected when representing certain variations of the Siofra, they each have their own minimum requirement.
• Dùdag- (Doo'daK; meaning small horn)
• Small to spiraling horns
• blah
• Moss patches.
• blah
• Feathered patches.
• Most closely associated with the Sidhe. The Wind Siofra see themselves as barely a step away from True Sidhe.
• Slick hair with droplets, permanently Glistening skin, and/or Gills
• They DO NOT have scales.
• Soft glowing orb in the middle of their chest.
• Sometimes a group is referred to as Lamps.
- Common,
Group Names:
Siofra are not named in any particular manner, but do have a secret names honouring their father, mother or grandparent that is the fae.
While the Siofra do not have claim to lands nor a kingdom of their own, they have taken to the use of House Marks along with the use of Alfar-type Heraldry, to distinguish their family ancestry, if known.
*Coats of arms consist of coloured fields whilst house marks consist of simple lines only, suitable for carving. They are renditions of very simple runic-like letters and other graphic symbols which signify a specific person or family. The Fae use House Marks as their version of Heraldry to distinguish family and loyalties.*
Most Common Clans in the Area:
Most other races do not trust the Siofra because their connection with the Sidhe and so many tales of the Sidhe purposefully exchanging human children so they may have more influence over the world.
Siofra prefer gods that emphasize nature and change; the most common favourites being Dynier, Harmonis, MeloƤr, and Timbal. Unlike some of the other races, Siofra depict the gods as Alfar-looking beings.
Important Figures: Names, what they did