Life Expectancy
Special Abilities
Shadow or Concealing ability. Daze.
Elemental Bias
Royal Titles
SURNAME [taken surname]
TITLE Alternate Names Human: Orc or Ogre
Bakru: Kijin Pronouns word
TITLE Alternate Names Human: Orc or Ogre
Bakru: Kijin Pronouns word
Known For:
- Military/Tactical Magic prowess. And, amazingly delicate palettes for wine and ale.
Hulking figures with tusks and one or more ox-looking horns growing out of their heads. Commonly a second horn would be broken off in a coming of age ritual. All variations wear large metal pendants on their belts with their clan symbol on them. As well their Mode body paint colour.
Below is a description of what is expected when representing certain variations of the Uerco. The minimum requirement would be painted markings in the appropriate colour and a single off-set horn.
• Ashi - blah
• Red body paint markings.
• Most variety in builds, there are as many scrappy built Ashi as there are hulking ones.
• Layered, Wrap-style clothing is the most commonly worn.
• Blue body paint markings.
• Like the Ashi, the Ibu wear wrap-styled clothing, that allow for easy movement, but tend to use highly decorative patterns as trim.
• Orange body paint markings.
• Naturalists by culture, their clothes mostly consist of unrefined pelts and hides of beasts and monsters they have slain.
• Green body paint markings
• Studded armor is the most commonly used. • Large dark tattoos across shoulders and down arms with the green paint highlighting the tattoos.
- Common, Oto (Uerco Common), Trst Oto (Ashi), Utis Oto (Ibu), Mos Oto (Shinchi), Krut Oto (Kibishi)
Group Names:
- Usually from mountain top towns or deep thick forests on mountain sides.
A large 4" gold pendant with the clan leader's symbol.
Most Common Clans in the Area:
- Wardens, Mercenaries, Town Guard, Vintners, Brewers
• A false oath or perjury is the highest crime within Uerco societies.
• Hollys and Soy beans are taboos due to superstitions around the plants in their histories.
• February 3rd | Risshun.
A cleansing holiday to rid the camp of 'evil' and drive away diseases. Bean necklaces are worn around the neck and large fires are built. Charms are made of holly-leaves and dried sardine heads on this night to curse one’s enemies and bring them misfortune. They also bring tools inside the house that might normally be left outside, to prevent the spirits from harming them
Holiday foods/drinks: Ginger drinks, meats, and beans.
• 5th Day of each month | Orkos Feast.
Celebrated as a personal day of rememberance for lost citizens.
Important Figures: Names, what they did